Soggy Doggy Doormat⁠

Soggy Doggy Productions opened in 2010, thanks to my four kids and my unruly rescue pup, Buddy. The original Soggy Doggy Doormat® was created out of necessity. No matter how many rags, towels, and mats I left by the back door there was an endless mess in my house. And no matter how many times I begged or yelled, my kids would not use the old towels to wipe Buddy’s paws. After searching pet stores and hardware stores for a viable solution and coming up empty handed, I decided to make my own doormat specifically for wet, dirty dog paws. Inspiration struck at a kids’ swim meet when I watched a small child dry his entire body with one divers shammy. After many rounds of experimentation, I found the perfect material blend was the microfiber chenille shag. Its “noodley” fibers not only make it exceptionally absorbent, but they also snag a tremendous amount of debris (note to moms: great for snowy boots and dirty cleats, especially those used on crushed-rubber turf fields). We were all astounded by the shag’s absorbency and dirt-catching ability. But best of all? Buddy fell in love with his super-soft doormat. So much so that he insisted on using it as bed! And from there grew the inspiration for the rest of the Soggy Doggy products.


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